5.12.4 Exception Messages

All the exceptions will be logged in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table. Cash Flow Loader program can raise the following exceptions:

  • Exception 1

    Load fails:Cannot pass null for the parameter As of Date, User name, Batch run id

    As of date, User Name and Batch run id cannot be passed as null.

  • Exception 2

    Load Fails: User name does not exist in the Table fsi_m_user_active_time_buckets

    User name in the Parameter should be mapped with an active time bucket in the fsi_m_user_active_time_buckets table.

  • Exception 3

    Load Fails: Data for the selected As of date does not exist in stg_account_cash_flows Table

    Stage Account Cash Flow does not have data for the given As Of Date.

  • Exception 4

    Load Fails: Time bucket sys id is not present in fsi_income_simulation_buckets

    Active time bucket mapped to the user name should be present in the Fsi_Income_Simulation_Bucket table.

  • Exception 5

    Load Fails: dates calculation failed

    Date Calculation for Fsi_Time_Bkt_Isb and Fsi_Time_Bkt_Lr_Irr_Dates failed for the given time bucket sys id.

  • Exception 6

    Load Fails: The process id process_sys_id does not exist in the Table fsi_m_alm_process

    Process id which is either passed as parameter or picked up from the Fsi_Cash_Flow_loader_Setup table should be present in the fsi_m_alm_process table.

  • Exception 7

    Load Fails. The process id process_sys_id does not exist in the Table Fsi_alm_deterministic_process

    Process id which is either passed as parameter or picked up from the Fsi_Cash_Flow_loader_Setup should be present in the Fsi_alm_deterministic_process table.

  • Exception 8

    Load Fails. The process id process_sys_id does not exists in the table fsi_cash_flow_loader_setup or the status is not set to N for the process

    Process id which is either passed as parameter, either does not exist in the Fsi_Cash_Flow_loader_Setup table or the status is not 'N'.

  • Exception 9

    Date-check failed: Certain cash-flow dates in ''STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS'' for current process are out of range of buckets defined in FSI_TIME_BKT_ISB_DATES/FSI_TIME_BKT_LR_IRR_DATES table(s). For details, run query: <<QUERY>>

    This error is generated when the cash-flow dates in 'STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS' are out of the time-bucket date ranges defined in either FSI_TIME_BKT_ISB_DATES or FSI_TIME_BKT_LR_IRR_DATES.

    In the actual error message (logged in FSI_MESSAGE_LOG), <<QUERY>> is replaced by a SQL query that the user can copy and execute on the schema in which the batch was run. This will provide the user with an output of the problematic records from staging area.

  • Exception 10

    Load Fail: The Data for the N_SCENARIO_NO mapped to the process process_sys_id does not exist in the STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS table

    Scenario Number mismatch for the Fsi_Cash_Flow_Loader and Stg_Account_Cash_Flow

  • Exception 11

    Load Fail: Does not have base currency

    Base currency should be present in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow.

  • Exception 12

    CONSOLIDATED_OUTPUT_FLG in fsi_alm_deterministic_process table is 1 but no data for n_currency_type_cd in STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS table

    Consolidated Flag for the process id is set to 1 but n_currency_type_cd in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow is not set.

  • Exception 13

    Load Fail: For the N_SCENARIO_NO mapped in the set up table, the dimension code given is incorrect

    Dimensions present in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow are not present in the corresponding dimension tables.

  • Exception 14

    All the account numbers are not present in the STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS table

    Records in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow do not have account number populated.

  • Exception 15

    All the Identity codes are not present in the STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS table

    Records in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow do not have identity code populated.

  • Exception 16

    All the Id Numbers are not present in the STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS table

    Records in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow do not have identity number populated.

  • Exception 17

    Instrument type code given for the process l_process_sys_id is wrong

    Instrument code present in the Stage table is not mapped in FSI_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_MLS

  • Exception 18

    No Data in the instrument table for the given FIC MIS DATE. Loading data to FSI_O_RESULT_MASTER failed

    Instrument table corresponding to instrument code in Stg_Account_Cash_Flow does not have data for the given As of date.