You can execute this procedure either from SQL*Plus or from within a PL/SQL block or from Batch Maintenance window within OFSAAI framework.
  1. To run the procedure from SQL*Plus, login to SQL*Plus as the Schema Owner.
  2. The procedure requires 3 parameters: Batch Id (which can be used to see the log of the procedure executed), MISDATE and the AS_OF_DATE.
  3. Identify the table name parameter by enclosing it in single quotes and uppercase, as shown in the following two examples.
    The syntax for calling the procedure is:Declareoutput number;Begin Output:= fn_Product_Instrument_Map ('Batch_Id', 'MISDATE','AS_OF_DATE');End;
    AS_OF_DATE is the date for which mapping is required.
    MISDATE is the date for which batch is run.
    Both MISDATE and AS_OF_DATE should be passed as 'YYYYMMDD' format.
    An example of running the function from SQL*Plus for the FSI_D_TERM_DEPOSITS table follows:
    SQL> var output number;SQL> execute :output:= fn_Product_Instrument_Map ('Batch_Id', '20100131,'19991231');
    To execute the stored procedure from within a PL/SQL block or procedure, see the example that follows.
    Call the procedure as often as required to synchronize all of your instrument tables.
    The appropriate table parameters are enclosed in single quotes.
    SQL> declare output number; begin output:= fn_Product_Instrument_Map ('Batch_Id', 'MISDATE','AS_OF_DATE') end; /
  4. To execute the procedure from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as TRANSFORM DATA and specify the following parameters for the task:
    Datastore Type : Select appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name : Select appropriate name from the list
    IP address : Select the IP address from the list
    Rule Name : Product_Inst_Mapping
    Parameter List : AS_OF_DATENOTE


    BATCHID and MISDATE will be passed explicitly in Batch Maintenance.