4.2.2 Product Instrument Table Map Procedure

This function gives exact mapping of a particular 'Product' stored in multiple Instrument table, and mapping is stored in FSI_M_PROD_INST_TABLE_MAP for given AS_OF_DATE. The function outputs the mapping information only if the corresponding 'Product' definition exits in the corresponding dimension table.The procedure performs the following functions:
  1. Gets the list of 'Product' type dimensions from dimension registry table (REV_DIMENSIONS_B).
  2. Gets the list of Instrument tables from REV_TABLE_CLASS_ASSIGNMENT.
  3. Fetches the distinct set of members for each 'Product' type dimension from all instrument tables for a given AS_OF_DATE.
  4. Stores the above set into a mapping table (FSI_M_PROD_INST_TABLE_MAP).
  5. The function outputs message in the message log if the member definition which exists in the Instrument table is not found in the respective dimension table.
  6. After the Product-Instrument table mapping utility run is completed, you should query the mapping table to look for dimension members that are present as part of each instrument table.