4.5.3 Executing Undo Engine

To execute Undo Engine, follow these steps:
  1. To execute the engine from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, create a new Batch with the Task as RUN EXECUTABLE and specify the following parameters for the task:
    Datastore Type: Select appropriate datastore from list
    Datastore Name: Select appropriate name from the list
    IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    Parameter List: ./LEDGER_LOAD_UNDO.sh, <Identity Code>-<As_Of_Date>,'L'
  2. To execute the engine from command line, the following is the syntax:
    Parameters: <Batch_Run_Id> <IdentityCode>-<As_of_date> 'L'


    AS_OF_DATE should be passed in mm/dd/yyyy format. Ledger Load Undo can be executed with both Wait =Y (Synchronous) or N (Asynchronous).