4.5.2 Undo Mechanism

  • Undo Engine will set the STATUS_FLAG column in FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table to 'U' to indicate the start of operation.
  • The engine code reads all the records from FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table. For each record that is read, it checks whether


TABLE_NAME = 'ledger_stat'

IDENTITY_CODE = <as entered by user>, and

AS_OF_DATE = <as entered by user>

After reading all the records from FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table, if a matching record is not found then an error message is logged in the FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table. However, if a matching record is found, then the Undo engine starts the undo process as detailed following.

  • Based on the IDENTITY_CODE and Year specified in the AS_OF_DATE, engine prepares and executes an update query to set the amount for the month specified in the AS_OF_DATE to zero and attaches a decode statement to calculate the Year To Date amount values from the Period Start month to Period End month. It also attaches any data filter if present to this query.
  • Engine also prepares and executes a delete query on LEDGER_STAT table, to delete all the records for which all the month values are 0 and IDENTITY_CODE equals to the value input by user. All entries relevant for the IDENTITY_CODE are also deleted from FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table.
  • If the undo fails for any reason, status would be set as 'C'. If Undo is completed successfully, the entry will be removed from FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table.