Forecast Rate Loader – Method 1

You can execute the Forecast Rate Loader two ways. First method is described below:
  1. To run the Forecast Rate Loader from SQL*Plus, login to SQL*Plus as the Schema Owner.
    The procedure requires six parameters Batch Execution Identifier (batch_run_id)
    As of Date (mis_date)
    Forecast Rate System Identifier (pObject_Definition_ID)
    Option for Loading All or any Specific Forecast Rate assumption rule. If the Load All option is 'N' then either the Forecast Rate Assumption rule Name Parameter with the Folder Name or Forecast Rate Sys ID should be provided else it raises an error (pLoad_all)
    Forecast Rate assumption rule Name (pForecast_name)
    Folder name (pFolder_Name)
    The syntax for calling the procedure is:
    fn_stg_forecast_rate_loader(batch_run_id varchar2, mis_date varchar2, pObject_Definition_ID number, pLoad_all char default 'N', pForecast_name varchar2, pFolder_Name varchar2 p_user_id varchar2 p_appid varchar2)
    BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    mis_date in the format YYYYMMDD.
    pObject_Definition_ID -The Forecast Rate System Identifier in ALM
    pLoad_all indicates option for loading all forecast rates.
    pForecast_Name. This can be null i.e '' when the pLoad_all is 'Y' else provide a valid Forecast Rate assumption rule Name.
    pFolder_Name indicates the name of the Folder where the forecast rate assumption rule was defined.
    p_user_id indicates the user mapped with the application in rev_app_user_preferences. This will be used to fetch as of date from rev_app_user_preferences.This is a mandatory parameter.
    p_appid is the application name. This is a mandatory parameter.
    For Example, if the user wants to Load all forecast rates assumption rules defined within a folder, say RTSEG then
    Declare num number;BeginNum:= fn_stg_forecast_rate_loader('INFODOM_FORECAST_RATE_LOADER','20100419',null,'Y',Null,'RTSEG','ALMUSER1','ALM');End;
    The loading is done for all forecast rates under folder 'RTSEG' for as of Date 20100419.
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
  2. If the user wants to Load a specific forecast rate assumption rule, then provide the unique Forecast Rate System Identifier.
    Declare num number;BeginNum:= fn_stg_forecast_rate_loader('INFODOM_FORECAST_RATE_LOADER','20100419',10005,'N',Null,Null,'ALMUSER1','ALM');End;
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to load data for specific Forecast Rate providing the Forecast Rate System Identifier
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to load data for specific Forecast Rate providing the Forecast Rate System Identifier
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to load data for specific Forecast Rate providing the Forecast Rate System Identifier


    To Load data for specific Forecast Rate providing the Forecast Rate System Identifier, the value of Forecast rate Name and Folder Name in the staging tables should be -1.
  3. If the user wants to Load a specific forecast rate assumption rule within the Folder providing the name of Forecast Rate as defined in ALM.
    Declare num number;BeginNum:= fn_stg_forecast_rate_loader('INFODOM_FORECAST_RATE_LOADER','20100419',Null,'N','LOADER_TEST','RTSEG','ALMUSER1','ALM');End;
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to Load a specific forecast rate within the Folder providing the name of Forecast Rate as defined in ALM
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to Load a specific forecast rate within the Folder providing the name of Forecast Rate as defined in ALM
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to Load a specific forecast rate within the Folder providing the name of Forecast Rate as defined in ALM
    If the NUM value is 1, it indicates the load completed successfully, check the FSI_MESSAGE_LOG for more details.