Forecast Rate Loader – Method 2

There are two methods to execute Forecast Rate Loader.
  1. To execute Forecast Rate Loader from OFSAAI Batch Maintenance, a seeded Batch is provided.<INFODOM>_FORECAST_RATE_LOADER is the Batch ID and Forecast Rate Loader is the description of the batch.
  2. The batch has a single task. Edit the task.
  3. If the user intends to load data for all Forecast Rates under a Folder, then provide the batch parameters as shown.
    • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore from list
    • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate name from the list
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: Forecast_Rate_loader
    • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore from list
    • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate name from the listIP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: Forecast_Rate_loader
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to Load all forecast rates defined within a folder
  4. If the user wants to load data for a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule, provide the Forecast Rate System Identifier, then define the batch parameters.
    • Datastore Type: Select the appropriate datastore from list
    • Datastore Name: Select the appropriate name from the list
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: Forecast_Rate_loader
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to load data for a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule, with the Forecast Rate System Identifier already provided
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to load data for a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule with the Forecast Rate System Identifier already provided
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to load data for a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule with the Forecast Rate System Identifier already provided


    To Load data for specific Forecast Rate assumption rules, provide the Forecast Rate System Identifier and the value of Forecast rate Name and Folder Name in the staging tables should be -1.
  5. If the user wants to load data for specific Forecast Rate assumption rules, provide the Forecast Rate Name as defined in ALM, then define the batch parameters as shown.
    • Datastore Type: Select an appropriate datastore from list
    • Datastore Name: Select an appropriate name from the list
    • IP address: Select the IP address from the list
    • Rule Name: Forecast_Rate_loader
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_IRCS to Load a specific forecast rate assumption rule, within the Folder, provide the name of Forecast Rate rule as defined in ALM
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_XRATES to Load a specific forecast rate assumption rule, within the Folder, provide the name of Forecast Rate rule as defined in ALM
    Sample Data for STG_FCAST_EI to Load a specific forecast rate assumption rule, within the Folder, provide the name of Forecast Rate rule as defined in ALM
  6. Save the Batch.
  7. Execute the Batch for the required As of Date.