5.4.3 Forecast Rate Loader Program

The Forecast Rate Loader program updates the existing forecast rates to new forecast rates in the ALM Forecast Rate tables for Direct Input and Structured Change forecasting methods.


The Forecast Rate Loader can only update existing forecast rate assumption rule definitions. The initial Forecast Rate assumption rule definition and initial methods must be created through the Forecast Rates user interface within Oracle ALM.

The Forecast Rates Data Loader performs the following functions:

The User can load forecast rate assumptions for either a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule or multiple forecast rates assumption rules.

  • To Load a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule, the user should provide either the Forecast Rate name and a folder name as defined in Oracle ALM or the Forecast Rate System Identifier.
  • When the load parameter is to load a specific Forecast Rate assumption rule for a given As of Date, the loader checks for Forecast Name/Forecast Rate System Identifier's presence in the Object Definition Registration Table. If it's present, then the combination of Forecast Name/Forecast Rate system Identifier and As of Date is checked in each of the Forecast Rate Staging Tables one by one.
  • The data loading is done from each of the staging tables for the Direct Input and Structured change methods where the Forecast Name and As of Date combination is present.
  • When the load parameter is the Load All Option (Y), the Distinct Forecast Name from the 3 staging tables is verified for its presence in Object Definition Registration table and the loading is done for each of the Forecast Names.
  • Messages for each of the steps is written into the FSI_MESSAGE_LOG table.

After the Forecast rate loader processing is completed, the user should query the ALM Forecast Rate tables to look for the new forecast rates. Also, the user can verify the data just loaded using the Forecast Rate Assumption UI.