5.4.2 Populating Forecast Rate Stage Tables


    Table 5-6 STG_FCAST_EI table


    The Name of the Forecast Rate assumption rule as defined.

    The Forecast name indicates the Short Description for the Forecast Rate Sys ID as stored in the FSI_M_OBJECT_DEFINITION_TL table. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.

    v_scenario_name This field indicates the Scenario Name for which the Forecast Rate data is applicable.
    v_economic_indicator_name This field indicates the Economic Indicator Name for which the Forecast data is applicable.
    n_from_bucket This field indicates the Start Bucket Number for the given scenario.
    fic_mis_date This field indicates the current period As of Date applicable to the data being loaded.
    n_fcast_rates_sys_id The System Identifier of the forecast rate assumption rule to which this data will be loaded. In case forecast name and folder are provided, then populate this field with -1.
    v_folder_name Name of the folder that holds the Forecast Rate assumption rule definition. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.
    v_ei_method_cd The Forecast method of economic indicator values include: Direct Input or Structured change.
    Use DI - For Direct Input or SC - For Structured Change
    n_economic_indicator_value This field indicates the value for the Economic Indicator for the given scenario and time bucket.
    n_to_bucket This field indicates the End Bucket Number for the assumption.

    Table 5-7 STG_FCAST_XRATES table

    v_forecast_name The Name of the Forecast Rate assumption rule as defined.
    The Forecast name indicates the Short Description for the Forecast Rate Sys ID as stored in the FSI_M_OBJECT_DEFINITION_TL table. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.
    v_scenario_name This field indicates the Scenario Name for which the Forecast Rate data is applicable.
    v_iso_currency_cd From ISO Currency Code (like USD, EUR, JPY, GBP) of the forecast rate.
    n_from_bucket This field indicates the Start Bucket Number for the given scenario.
    fic_mis_date This field indicates the As of Date for which the data being loaded is applicable.
    n_fcast_rates_sys_id The System Identifier of the assumption rule to which this data will be loaded. In case forecast name and folder are provided, then populate this field with -1.
    v_folder_name Name of the folder that holds the Forecast Rate assumption rule definition. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.
    n_to_bucket This field indicates the End Bucket Number for the given scenario.
    v_xrate_method_cd The Forecast method for exchange rate values include: Direct Input or Structured change.
    Use DI - For Direct Input or SC - For Structured Change
    n_exchange_rate This field indicates the Exchange rate for the Currency and given bucket Range.The value in N_EXCHANGE_RATE should be the rate used to convert 1 unit of the V_TO_CURRENCY_CD currency to the currency stored in V_FROM_CURRENCY_CD. For example, if V_TO_CURRENCY_CD = 'USD', then enter the exchange rate to convert 1 unit USD to another currency.

    Table 5-8 STG_FCAST_IRCS table


    The Name of the Forecast Rate assumption rule as defined.

    The Forecast name indicates the Short Description for the Forecast Rate Sys ID as stored in the FSI_M_OBJECT_DEFINITION_TL table. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.

    v_scenario_name This field indicates the Scenario Name for which the Forecast Rate data is applicable.
    v_irc_name The IRC Name indicates the Name of Interest Rate Code .
    n_interest_rate_term This field indicates the Interest Rate Term applicable for the row of data.
    v_interest_rate_term_mult This field indicates the Interest Rate Term Multiplier for the row of data being loaded.
    n_from_bucket This field indicates the Start Bucket Number for the given scenario.
    fic_mis_date This field indicates the As of Date for which the data being loaded is applicable.
    n_fcast_rates_sys_id The System Identifier of the interest rate code forecast rate definition. In case the forecast name and folder are provided, then populate this field with -1.
    v_folder_name Name of the folder that holds the Forecast Rate assumption rule definition. In case the forecast sys id is provided, then populate this field with -1.
    n_interest_rate This field indicates the Interest Rate Change for the specified Term and for the given scenario.
    n_to_bucket This field indicates the End Bucket Number for the given scenario.
    v_irc_method_cd The Forecast method of interest rate code values include: Direct Input or Structured change.
    Use DI - For Direct Input or SC - For Structured Change