Method 1

Cash Flow Loader can be executed directly from SQL Plus.
  1. User must login to the database using schema user id and password. The procedure requires 4 parameters:
    As of Date (mis_date)
    User Name: Should be present in fsi_m_user_active_time_buckets table
    Process id
    Batch Execution Identifier (batch_run_id)
    declare result number :=0;begin result := fn_cash_flow_loader(batch_run_id => :batch_run_id, mis_date => :mis_date, p_user_name => :p_user_name, p_process_sys_id => :p_process_sys_id); if result = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Failed'); else dbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Succesfully completed'); end; \
    BATCH_RUN_ID is any string to identify the executed batch.
    mis_date in the format YYYYMMDD.
    P_USER_NAME: The user name present in FSI_M_USER_ACTIVE_TIME_BUCKETS table.
    P_PROCESS_SYS_ID can be null or can have value to process specific process id.
  2. Case 1. When Process id is null:
    declare result number :=0;begin result := fn_cash_flow_loader('INFODOM_ CASH_FLOW_LOADER', '20100419', ’ALMUSER’, NULL);if result = 0 thendbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Failed');elsedbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Succesfully completed');end;
  3. Case 2. When Process id is not null:
    declare result number :=0;begin result := fn_cash_flow_loader('INFODOM_ CASH_FLOW_LOADER', '20100419', ’ALMUSER', 120003);if result = 0 thendbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Failed');elsedbms_output.put_line('Cash Flow Loader Succesfully completed');end;

    Figure 5-2 SETUP_MASTER Sample Data

    SETUP_MASTER Sample Data

    For instrument cash flows, the V_COMPONENT_VALUE should be either 1 or 0. If the value is '1' then Identity code and Account number should be populated in the stg_account_cash_flows table . If the Value is '0' then Identity code and ID Number should be populated in the stg_account_cash_flows table.

    Figure 5-3 FSI_CASH_FLOW_LOADER_SETUP Sample Data



    Only the process id with Status 'N' will process while executing the loader program. After the successful execution of the loader program the value in the STATUS columns will be changed to 'Y' in FSI_CASH_FLOW_LOADER_SETUP for the process id.

    Figure 5-4 FSI_M_ALM_PROCESS Sample Data

    FSI_M_ALM_PROCESS Sample Data

    Figure 5-5 FSI_M_ALM_PROCESS Sample Data

    FSI_M_ALM_PROCESS Sample Data

    Figure 5-6 STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS Sample Data


    Instrument Cashflow Data

    Figure 5-7 STG_ACCOUNT_CASH_FLOWS Sample Data


    Figure 5-8 Aggregate Data Sample Data

    Aggregate Data Sample Data

    Figure 5-9 Aggregate Data Sample Data

    Aggregate Data Sample Data