Core Attributes

This section describes the new business fields used in the Core Attributes tab of the Product Characteristics Rule.

Figure 5-148 Core Attributes Tab to Define the Product Characteristic Rule

Core Attributes Tab to Define the Product Characteristic Rule

Table 5-38 Fields to add the Core Attributes for Product Characteristic Rule and their Descriptions

Field Description
Account Type Select the account type.

Figure 5-149 Account Type

Account Type

Amortization Type

Method of amortizing principal and interest. The choices consist of all standard OFSAA codes and all additional user-defined codes created through the Payment Pattern and Behavior Pattern interfaces, as follows:

Figure 5-150 Amortization Type

Amortization Type

Adjustable Type

Determines the repricing characteristics of the new business record. The standard OFSAA codes are as follows:


Floating Rate

Other Adjustable

Repricing Pattern

Interest Rate Curve

Defines the pricing index to which the instrument interest rate is contractually tied. The interest rate codes that appear as a selection option depending on the choice of currency. The interest rate code list is restricted to codes that have the selected currency as the Reference Currency. If the default currency is chosen, all interest rate codes are available as a selection.
Original Term The contractual term at origination date in units (days, months, or years).
Amortization Term Term upon which amortization is based in units (days, months, years). This field is not editable if the Derivative Type is selected as FX Contract and subtype is selected as Spot or Forward
Lease Residual Value For Lease instruments, this value specifies the residual amount as a percent of the par balance.
Inflation Indexed Instrument Select this check box to enable the Inflation Indexed tab
Behavior Pattern Lists all user-defined behavior patterns created through the user interface.
Behavior Pattern Type Displays the type of selected user-defined behavior pattern.
Behavior Pattern Subtype Lists the subtype of user-defined behavior patterns created through the user interface.
Payment Pattern Lists all user-defined payment patterns defined through the user interface.
Repricing Pattern Lists all user-defined reprice patterns created through the user interface.
Amortization Method for Premiums, Discounts, Costs and Fees

Determines the method used for amortizing premiums, discounts, or fees. The available codes are:

Level Yield

Straight Line

Original Deferred Amortization Percent The initial deferred balance expressed as a percent of original par balance.