Creating Forms Using Data Entry Option

Use the Data Entry option to create a Forms Definition and select the table and attributes that you want to modify.

You can enter the values for the table records in the approved Forms Definition from Data Entry, after the new Forms Definition is approved from the Forms Definition Summary Page.
To create a forms definition:
  1. Select Data Entry in Create New Form Definition page and enter the required details.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Code - Unique form code. This value is auto-generated.
    • Name - The form name. You can enter between 3 to 100 characters. Only alphabets, numbers, spaces, and underscores are allowed.
    • Description - The form definition description. You can enter between 3 to 100 characters. Only alphabets, numbers, spaces, and underscores are allowed.
    • Threshold - The maximum number edits allowed per row.
  3. Click Continue to access the Entities tab.
  4. Select the table that you want to modify in the Primary Entity Field.
    If the selected table have child tables, the child tables is also displayed. You can select the required Child tables for which you wish to input the data during data entry.


    You can select up to four child tables only for each master table.
  5. Select Enable Bulk Authorization, if you want to enable the bulk authorization of records while performing data entry.
  6. Enable Auto Approve if you want the Forms Definition to be automatically approved from Forms Definition Summary page and is enabled for data entry.
    Alternatively, you can also get the form approved manually. For manual approval, disable the auto approve option.
    A user with the required role can then perform the data entry without the need for an approval process. For more information, see User Role Mapping and Access Rights.
  7. Click Continue, to proceed with the Attributes tab.
  8. Select the Filter from the existing filters in the drop-down list or click Filter to apply a new attribute filter to the form definition.
  9. Click the drop-down arrow corresponding to the table in the Entity Name, to view the attributes in the entity table.
    If your table has child tables, the Child tables that you select from the Entities tab also gets displayed in the Attributes tab.
  10. Select the attributes for which you want to modify the data from the Attribute Name.
  11. Select Participate in Data Security if you want to configure a specific condition.
  12. Click the Lock icon adjacent to a specific attribute name, to configure a specific data security condition.
    The configured condition is applicable when a user enters data in table for each approved Forms Definition from the Data Entry Page. For more information, refer Enabling Data Security for New Form Definitions.
  13. Enter Select Columns to search and select specific columns.
  14. Click Continue to access the Ruleset tab.
    The list of attributes associated with the parent and the Child tables are displayed in the Ruleset tab.
  15. Assign permission to add data during data entry for those attributes that are set to Editable/Read-only mode. You cannot modify the key fields set in read-only mode.
  16. Click Continue and proceed to the User Security tab.
  17. Click User Security to select the user or user groups who can perform data entry to maintain the data in the table.
    For more information about adding user security, refer to Enabling User Security for New Form Definitions.
  18. Click Submit if you want to submit the Forms Definition for manual/auto approval.
    For more information refer to Approving and Rejecting New Form Definitions. After approval/auto approval, the form is added to the Form Definition Summary.