Examples of Multi Dimensional Balance Sheet Structure

List of Examples:

  1. The first dimension type placed is considered an "anchor dimension" on level 1, or the highest parent node. This first dimension type can be of any supported dimension or hierarchy member, but once placed all sibling branches on level 1 must be the same dimension type. For example, if you place a Product dimension member (node or leaf), then every new node placed on the first level must also be a Product dimension member.

    Figure 5-19 Example 1

    Example 1

    1. The node "Total Assets" is a Product member and its sibling "Total Liabilities" must also be a Product member.

      Figure 5-20 Example 2

      Example 2

    2. The Legal Entity dimension "Europe" cannot be made a sibling of "Total Assets" and "Total Liabilities" since they have been placed first and are a Product dimension.
  2. The parent-child relationship of the source hierarchy must be preserved when placing in the MDBSS.

    Figure 5-21 Example 3

    Example 3

    1. Node "Total Liabilities" is a sibling of "Total Assets" in the source hierarchy. This means that "Total Liabilities" cannot be made a child of "Total Assets" in an MDBSS since that would violate its parent-child relationship established in the source hierarchy.
  3. Nonadjacent dimensions of the same type on a single branch is not allowed. Once a branch of a dimension has been added it cannot be reintroduced again on that same branch.

    Figure 5-22 Example 4

    Example 4

    1. The node "Cash" cannot be made a child of node "Europe" (a Legal Entity member) since it is not adjacent to the other Product hierarchy members on the same branch.
  4. The MDBSS can be constructed of dimension hierarchy nodes, leafs, or both. Using a source hierarchy node implies that all its children are also included in the MDBSS.

    Figure 5-23 Example 5

    Example 5

    1. You can place the node "GL Cash and Equiv" from its source hierarchy and it is implied that its children "A101" and "A102" will also be included in the MDBSS.
  5. A source hierarchy branch does not need every member included in the MDBSS as long as it preserves the parent-child relationship of the source branch.

    Figure 5-24 Example 6

    Example 6

    1. Every member of the branch from hierarchy Legal Entity does not need to be included in the MDBSS as long as the overall parent-child relationship ("German Bank" is a descendant child of node "Europe").

Using these guidelines you can create as many Structures as needed. You can add, move, or delete nodes as long as the placement guidelines are followed.


Once a Static or Dynamic process is completed using a specific MDBSS then that Structure is locked and cannot be modified. This is required to preserve reporting integrity.