4.2 BSP BI Report Formulae

The following table describes the BSP BI Reports Formulae used to calculate the displayed related Report Metrics.

Table 4-2 BI Report Formulae

Report Name Report Metrics Formula Financial Element Id Formula Financial Element Name Report Metrics Formula
Balances Ending Balance 100 Ending Balance SUM(100)
Average Balance 140 Average Balance SUM(140)
Runoff Details New Add Balance 340 New Add Balance SUM(340)
Total Runoff 210 Total Runoff - Positive SUM(210+212)
212 Total Runoff - Negative
Payment Runoff 190 Payment Runoff - Positive SUM(190+192)
192 Payment Runoff - Negative
Maturity Runoff 195 Maturity Runoff - Positive SUM(195+197)
197 Maturity Runoff - Negative
Prepayment Runoff 180 Prepay Runoff - Positive SUM(180+182)
182 Prepay Runoff - Negative
Core Non-Maturity Runoff 200 Core Non-Maturity Runoff SUM(200)
Volatile Non-Maturity Runoff 202 Volatile Non-Maturity Runoff SUM(202)
Deferred Runoff 540 Deferred Runoff SUM(540)
Net Interest Margin Net Interest Margin 440 Interest Accrued SUM(440-450-414-415-416-417)
450 Transfer Rate Charge/Credit
414 Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit
415 Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit
416 Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit
417 Other Adjustment Charge/Credit
Interest Accrued 440 Interest Accrued SUM(440)
Transfer Rate Charge/Credit 450 Transfer Rate Charge/Credit SUM(450)
Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit 414 Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit SUM(414)
Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit 415 Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit SUM(415)
Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit 416 Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit SUM(416)
Other Adjustment Charge/Credit 417 Other Adjustment Charge/Credit SUM(417)
Ending Rates Ending Net Interest Spread 120 Ending Net Rate AVG((120-130-131-132-133-134)/100)
130 Ending Transfer Rate
131 Ending Liquidity Adjustment Rate
132 Ending Basis Risk Cost Rate
133 Ending Pricing Incentive Cost Rate
134 Ending Other Adjustment Rate
100 Ending Balance
Ending Net Rate 120 Ending Net Rate AVG(120/100)
100 Ending Balance
Ending Transfer Rate 130 Ending Transfer Rate AVG(130/100)
100 Ending Balance
Ending Liquidity Adjustment Rate 131 Ending Liquidity Adjustment Rate AVG(131/100)
100 Ending Balance
Ending Basis Risk Cost Rate 132 Ending Basis Risk Cost Rate AVG(132/100)
100 Ending Balance
Ending Pricing Incentive Cost Rate 133 Ending Pricing Incentive Cost Rate AVG(133/100)
100 Ending Balance
Ending Other Adjustment Rate 134 Ending Other Adjustment Rate AVG(134/100)
100 Ending Balance
Average Net Interest Spread 160 Average Net Rate AVG((160-170-174-175-176-177)/140)
170 Average Transfer Rate
174 Average Liquidity Adjustment Rate
175 Average Basis Risk Cost Rate
176 Average Pricing Incentive Rate
177 Average Other Adjustment Rate
140 Average Balance
Average Net Rate 160 Average Net Rate AVG(160/140)
140 Average Balance
Average Transfer Rate 170 Average Transfer Rate AVG(170/140)
140 Average Balance
Average Liquidity Adjustment Rate 174 Average Liquidity Adjustment Rate AVG(174/140)
140 Average Balance
Average Basis Risk Cost Rate 175 Average Basis Risk Cost Rate AVG(175/140)
140 Average Balance
Average Pricing Incentive Rate 176 Average Pricing Incentive Rate AVG(176/140)
140 Average Balance
Average Other Adjustment Rate 177 Average Other Adjustment Rate AVG(177/140)
140 Average Balance
Funding Center IS Net Interest Margin 414 Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit SUM(450+414+415+416+417)
415 Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit
416 Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit
417 Other Adjustment Charge/Credit
450 Transfer Rate Charge/Credit
IS Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit 414 Liquidity Adjustment Charge/Credit SUM(414)
IS Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit 415 Basis Risk Cost Charge/Credit SUM(415)
IS Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit 416 Pricing Incentive Charge/Credit SUM(416)
IS Other Adjustment Charge/Credit 417 Other Adjustment Charge/Credit SUM(417)
IS Transfer Rate Charge/Credit 450 Transfer Rate Charge/Credit SUM(450)