5.6 Configure the Silent.props file

This section is for a new installation of OFS BSP Application Pack Release In the installer kit path OFS_BSP_PACK/appsLibConfig/conf/, rename the Silent.template file to Silent.props. Edit the Silent.props file and modify only the following parameters.


In the pack-on-pack scenario, the parameters SEGMENT_1_CODE must be the same as the parameters SEGMENT_1_CODE of the previously installed application pack.

Do not modify these parameters if there are no other packs than the OFS BSP pack installed.

Table 5-5 Parameters for the Silent.props File

Property Name Description of Property Permissible Values Comments
UPLOAD_MODEL To perform the Model Upload.

0: No

1: Yes

MODEL_TYPE The released data model or a customized data model.

0: Released

1: Customized

Mandatory only if you want to upload the data model.
DATAMODEL The path for the customized data model. Not Applicable Mandatory only if you want to upload the customized data model.
DM_DIRECTORY The file name for the customized data model. Not Applicable Mandatory only if you want to upload the customized data model.
APPFTP_LOG_PATH Infodom Maintenance log path (to be created) for the new Infodom for applayer Not Applicable

# Mandatory if this an App Layer Installation and if you

want to create a new infodom

# That is, you have specified INSTALL_APP=1 and INFODOM_TYPE=0

DBFTP_LOG_PATH Infodom Maintenance log path (to be created) for the new Infodom for DBLayer Not Applicable

# Mandatory if this an App Layer Installation and if you

want to create a new infodom

# That is, you have specified INSTALL_APP=1 and INFODOM_TYPE=0

OBI_HOST The hostname or IP Address of the OBIEE server.

For example:



OBI_PORT The port number of the OBIEE server. For example 9500 Mandatory
OBI_CONTEXT The context of the OBIEE.

For example:


OBI_PROTOCOL The protocol details of the OBIEE server.




ETL_APPSRC_TYPE Create a new ETL App or Src pair or use an existing one.

0 = New

1 = Existing

#Mandatory if this is an App layer installation.

# That is, you have specified INSTALL_APP=1.

  • 0: If you want to create a new ETL app or src pair.
  • 1: If you want to use an existing pair.
ETL_SRC_2_DESC Description for the ETL Processing source description. Not Applicable

Mandatory if you want to create a new ETL app or src pair.

That is, you have specified ETL_APPSRC_TYPE=0

ETL_SRC_1_NAME ETL Staging source name Not Applicable This Source must be mapped to the above ETL Application.
ETL_SRC_2_NAME ETL Processing source name Not Applicable This Source must be mapped to the above ETL Application.