8.2 Create Catalog folder for DV Project

To create the Catalog folder for DV Project, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) home page.
  2. Enter the user credentials to access your local OAS installation.
  3. From the Homepage, click the Hamburger icon as shown in the following screenshot.

    Figure 8-1 Homepage

    This is the homepage of Oracle Analytics Extensions Library.

  4. Click Catalog from the Left Side Navigation.

    Figure 8-2 Left Side Navigation

    This screen displays the left hand side menu items of the Oracle Analytics screen.

  5. After you are in Catalog, move to Shared Folders as shown in the following screenshot.

    Figure 8-3 Shared Folders

    This screen displays the Shared Folders buton.

  6. Click the Right Hand Side Hamburger menu and then select Create Folder as shown.

    Figure 8-4 Right Hand Side Hamburger Menu

    This screen displays the Right Hand Side Hamburger Icon and the menu items.

  7. Enter the New Folder name as BSP BI and click Create.

    Figure 8-5 Create Folder

    This pop-up window allows you to define a new folder.

    The new folder BSP BI is now created under Shared Folders as follows.

    Figure 8-6 Confirmation Screen

    This screen displays the newly created folder.