Managing Scenarios Threshold Set Name

Use this section to add scenarios, add and edit threshold values in the Copy and Modify Control Set page.

To add Scenarios threshold set name, follow these steps.
  1. On the Copy and Modify Control Set page, go to Scenarios threshold set name field.
  2. Select the required scenario threshold set you want to use or modify. The Add Scenario button allows you to add new scenarios to your control set.
    You can perform the following:
  3. Click Add scenario to add a new scenario for the respective threshold set. The following window is displayed
    1. Search the required scenario in the Search box.
    2. Click on the Action option of the required scenario to be added to the threshold set.
    1. Click Navigation icon Navigationor click Next to view the threshold details. The following window is displayed
    1. Double-click on the required Threshold Value field and then edit the threshold value.
    2. Click Add Scenario. The scenario is added to the respective threshold set.
  4. Click Delete Deleteicon to delete the selected scenario.
  5. Click Edit Editicon to edit the selected scenario. The following window is displayed.
    1. Double-click on the required Threshold Value field and then edit the threshold value.
    1. Click Update Scenario to modify the information
  6. Click Navigation Navigationicon to view the scenario information as follows:

    Figure 5-11 Scenario Information