3.6 Reviewing Transaction Monitoring System

In this section, you can view the uploaded data and created agents for each of the segments.

  1. Click View icon view icon in Jurisdiction codes, segments, accounts, channels, and limits to view the uploaded products and transaction constraints. The following window is displayed.

    Figure 3-15 Uploaded Products and Transaction Constraints

  2. Click Cancel to exit the window.
  3. Click viewView icon in Scenarios and thresholds to view the uploaded scenario thresholds. The following window is displayed.

    Figure 3-16 Uploaded Scenario Thresholds

  4. Click Cancel to exit the window.
  5. Click Submit to configure your transaction monitoring system. This will trigger experiment of type "Initial Set Up" for each of the segments you have configured.
  6. Navigate to Experiments tab and you can view the created experiment is in In progress status as shown below:
    Once the experiment is completed, the status of the experiment will change from "In Progress" to "Completed". If the experiment has run successfully, the dashboard will be updated as shown below:

    Figure 3-19 Transaction Monitoring Performance