3.7 Resetting the Transaction Monitoring System

This section describes how to reset your transaction monitoring system configuration in OFSCA.

To reset the system and initial configuration, follow these steps:
  1. Click

    Open Ask Oracle to display the Ask Oracle window. The following window is displayed.
  2. Click Documents menu to display the Documents window. The following window is displayed.
  3. Click Reset System to reset your transaction monitoring system. The confirmation window is displayed.
  4. Click RESET to reset the system. It will archive all the existing data and you need to reconfigure your transaction monitoring system.  Or Click Cancel to cancel the action.
  5. Click Reset Initial Configuration in the Documents window to reset the initial configuration. The confirmation window is displayed.

    Figure 3-23 Reset the Initial Configuration

  6. Click RESET to reset the initial configuration. It will reset all the completed configuration information and you need to reconfigure your initial configuration. Or Click Cancel to cancel the action.