Setting User Preferences

Using the user preferences, you can set the landing page, time zone, locale and the displayed date format.

You can access the User Preferences from your Financial Services Analytical Applications page.
To access user preferences:
  1. Click User (user icon) and click Preferences.
    Select the following details.
    • Start Page - The landing page that is displayed when the user logs in. You can set the landing page to Admin console, default home page or any specific application page.
    • Time Zone - The time zone displayed in the application.


      If you modify the time zone from the default value, it will not be reflected in the Investigation Hub application.
    • Locale - The language to access the application. The default value is en - US English.
    • Date Format - The format in which the date is displayed.


      If you modify the default date format, it will not be reflected in the Investigation Hub application.
  2. After entering the preferred values, click Save to update the user preferences.