6 Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked queries.

What is Process Modeller?

Use a Process Modeller to view and edit existing workflows and create new workflows.

What is Process Monitor?

Use a Process Monitor to view the path (of the workflow) that a case has already traversed, its current status, and the next possible paths in that workflow. Since there can be several versions of each workflow that are being used by a CM at the same time, the Process monitor displays a workflow diagram of the version that the case is using.

Can I associate a workflow with multiple case types?

Yes, one workflow can be associated with any number of case types. However, one case type can be associated with only one workflow.

Can I edit default workflows?

Since default workflows will be overwritten during an upgrade, we do not recommend using default workflows in production. If a workflow is overwritten during an upgrade, it may impact all the inflight and closed cases using that workflow. You can copy default workflows or create a new version of the workflow.

If I modify a workflow, what impact does that have on cases already using the workflow?

PMF provides the ability to modify a workflow and either save the changes directly on that workflow or create a new version of the workflow. This is achieved using the following buttons on the PMF Process Modeller Canvas (page on which you draw the workflow):
  • Save overwrites the workflow being edited. As a result, all cases (in-flight and closed) using that workflow will follow the modified workflow as soon as the changes are saved in PMF. New cases (of the Case Type(s) using this workflow) will also use this modified workflow.
  • Save as New Version saves the modifications as a new version of the workflow. When this happens the version number assigned to this new version = parent workflow’s version number + 1. For example: If the parent workflow had a version number 4, this new workflow will have a version number 5. But just saving a new version of a workflow does not have any impact on any case unless this new version is mapped to a Case Type in Case Designer.
  1. Jan 1, a user creates a new AML workflow and maps it to Case Type = AML. Then, Process ID = 1, Process Name = AML, Version = 0, mapped to Case Type = AML
  2. Jan 2, cases with type = AML start coming in and use the AML workflow Version 0.
  3. Jan 5, the user creates a version of this AML workflow. Hence, Process ID = 2, Process Name = AML, Version = 1
  4. The user creates this new version on Jan 5 but does not update the Case Type - Workflow mapping. So in Case Designer Case Type = AML is still mapped to Workflow = AML Version 0.
  5. Jan 6 new cases with type = AML come in and are still going to use the AML workflow Version 0. Old cases (Jan 2 – 6) are also going to continue using AML workflow Version 0. If the user had modified the Case Type - Workflow mapping to map to the AML workflow Version 1, new cases arriving on Jan 6 would have used the AML workflow Version 1.
  6. Jan 7, the user creates another version of this AML workflow and this time also changes the Case Type-workflow mapping to use this latest version. Hence, Process ID = 3, Process Name = AML, Version = 2, mapped to Case Type = AML.
  7. Jan 7 (after the change in step 6), new cases with type = AML come in and are now going to use the AML workflow Version 2. Old cases (Jan 2 – Jan 7 before the change in Case Designer) are going to continue using the AML workflow Version 0.

If I create a new version of a workflow in PMF and want to have someone review it before it goes into production, how do the reviewers ensure that the new version is not active until they want it to be?

If this workflow is linked to a Case Type in Case Designer, and the user saves the modifications using the Save feature, changes are reflected immediately in production. If the user saves the modifications using the Save as a New Version feature, they have to associate it with the case type for it to be enabled.

Can I copy workflows?

Yes, workflows can be copied in Process Modeller. Copying a workflow copies the workflow design (states and transitions diagram) but none of the metadata associated with the workflow is copied. Therefore, after copying a workflow, clients will have to fill in several details to make the workflow functional.

Can I deactivate a workflow in PMF? What impact does that have on cases already using the workflow?

Yes, workflows can be copied in Process Modeller. Copying a workflow copies the workflow design (states and transitions diagram) but none of the metadata associated with the workflow is copied. Therefore, after copying a workflow, clients will have to fill in several details to make the workflow functional.

Can I delete a workflow in PMF? What impact does that have on cases already using the workflow?

Yes, you can delete any version of a workflow through Process Modeller but we recommend that users set an end date instead so that the workflow remains available for future use. If the workflow is being used by one or more case types, clients should be advised to update the Case Type definition (Case Management UI) to use a different workflow before deleting a workflow. If a case type is associated with a deleted workflow, the service will receive an error message when it tries to call this workflow.

How is the case assignment done?

PMF does not perform a case assignment.

Can PMF update the status of a case automatically when the Due Date on a case passes?

No, at this time, PMF requires all status changes to be manually completed. This functionality may be provided in the future.