From Process Modeller Window

You can call a PMF pipeline using the Test Process Flow function from the Process Modeller window as shown in the following.

The Test Process Flow option is used to check whether the Process flow you designed works as expected.
To call a PMF pipeline:
  1. From the Process Modeller window, click Options corresponding to the pipeline you want to test. The submenu is displayed.
  2. Click Test Process Flow. The Execute Process Flow window is displayed.
  3. Enter an Object ID to identify the Process flow. This will be displayed as Entity ID in the Process Monitor window.
  4. Enter the Application Parameters which are required in the Process flow that you are testing. Specify parameters in JSON format. This is an optional field.
    Example : {"WF_RUNSK":"15","WF_MISDATE":"12/31/1999"}
  5. Click OK.