4.1.1 Match Rules

Each Ruleset contains the pre-defined source and target node types. Each Ruleset compares the parameters/attributes of the source and target node types to obtain a match.

Table 4-1 List of Rulesets

Pipeline Name Ruleset Name
Swift And Fedwire Screening Name and Address Ruleset

Country Ruleset

City Ruleset

Identifier Ruleset

Goods Ruleset

Port Ruleset

Narrative Name Ruleset

Narrative Country Ruleset

Narrative City Ruleset

Narrative Identifier Ruleset

Narrative Goods Ruleset

Narrative Port Ruleset

Stop Keywords Ruleset

Individual Real Time Screening Name and Address Ruleset

Country Ruleset

City Ruleset

Identifier Ruleset

Narrative Name Ruleset

Narrative Country Ruleset

Narrative City Ruleset

Narrative Identifier Ruleset

Stop Keywords Ruleset


Out of the Box Rulesets are not customizable.