1.3.3 Fincen File Upload

Click the Fincen File Upload icon and a popup box is displayed.
It includes three fields: Person, Business and Notification Date. There is an upload button adjacent to the Person and Business fields.
  1. Click on Select File button next to Person field to upload person.csv.
  2. Click on Select File button next to Business to upload business.csv.


    User can either upload both the Person and Business files or proceed to upload them one at a time.

  3. Select the Notification Date and click Upload.


    Notification Date and either of the file selection is mandatory for the Upload button to enable.

    Notification Date and either of the file selection is mandatory for the Upload button to enable.

    On submission, the below validations will be performed and if successful, it will display the message that file upload is successful and refresh the Private List with uploaded records.

    1. Input Columns and Input Columns Order in the file header are validated.
    2. Mandatory Fields Data are validated.


    Input Columns, Input Column Order, Mandatory Flag and the Validation Regex for Person and Business file type is maintained in this table FCC_WL_PRIVLIST_FINCEN_INPUT_PARAMS. User can change the Input Column Order,Mandatory Flag and the Validation Regex in this table, if required.

    Figure 1-2 Fincen File Upload

    This message displays the Fincen File Upload.