3.1.1 Dimension Data Flow

The Dimension data used for processing is stored in individual Member, Attribute, and Hierarchy tables for each dimension, and is part of the OFS PFT AMHM data model. Hierarchies in OFS PFT AMHM have a parent-child storage structure. These are flattened to a level-based structure as part of the data movement process. The flattened Hierarchies for each Dimension along with the Member and Attribute data undergo Slowly Changing Dimension (SCD) to facilitate the movement of data to OFS EFPA dimension tables. The following diagram depicts the process flow:

Figure 3-2 Dimension Data Flow

This illustration depicts the process folow of dimensions. The Dimension data used for processing is stored in individual Member, Attribute, and Hierarchy tables for each dimension, and is part of the OFS PFT AMHM data model.

For more information on dimension management, see the OFS Profiability Management User Guide.