9 Fact Management Reporting Population from FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER Table

Fact Management Reporting Population involves populating the FCT_MGMT_REPORTING table from the FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER table.

This transformation populates the FCT_MGMT_REPORTING table from FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER.

The database components used by the Fact Management Reporting transformation are:

  • Database function FN_MGMT_REP_MGMT_LEDGER_TRM
  • Database function MGMT_REPORTING_MGMT_LEDGER_TRM, which is called by the function FN_MGMT_REP_MGMT_LEDGER_TRM mentioned above.
  • Database functions MGMT_REPORTING_MGMT_LEDGER_TRM and FN_MGMT_REP_MGMT_LEDGER_TRM allow you to specify source table name. This will allow the procedure to run multiple times to load various management Ledger sources into a single FCT table for reporting