8.6 Identity Codes Used in Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting reports are used to show the custom-built GL hierarchy. This GL hierarchy is treated as a Reporting LIne dimension in Financial Reporting (FR) Dashboard pages. The idea of reports in FR is to show the unallocated data that has been downloaded from the source system and rule out the allocated data records. To filter out the unallocated data, a SETUP_MASTER configuration table entry is required with the V_COMPONENT_DESC column value as IDENTITY_CODE_PFTBI_FR_UNALLOCATED_DATA. The other two columns of SETUP_MASTER can be populated as:

  • V_COMPONENT_CODE: Identity Code corresponding to unallocated data.
  • V_COMPONENT_VALUE: Identity Code corresponding to unallocated data.

See the FSI_DATA_IDENTITY table to find out the IDENTITY CODES. Generally, source_type = 0 highlights the records that are unallocated.