A How to Define a Dimension

As a prerequisite, dimension tables should be added in the data model and the fact table needs to have the referential key with the dimension table. These dimension tables hold the dimension members and can be level-based or parent-child.

Level based dimension tables contain columns for each level of the hierarchy, while parent-child dimension tables contain columns for storing the relationship between the parent and child members. These dimension tables can be loaded from external systems or can be maintained within the Dimension Management component of OFSAAI. If the user intends to maintain the dimension within OFSAAI for adding dimension tables, see the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Data Model Utilities User Guide. If the dimension data is fetched from OFS PFT, it reads only the nodes/leafs belonging to a single hierarchy. Therefore, before fetching dimension data from OFS PFT, ensure that the AMHM tables belonging to a single dimension have data present for only one hierarchy.