6.2.1 Modify the Financial Reporting Line

Financial Reporting line hierarchy can be modified to include new members and modify existing members. As a prerequisite, if the member to be added is a leaf, the GL dimension table (DIM_GL_ACCOUNT) needs to have these leaf members.

  • GL member: When creating a new GL member in AMHM, the signage attribute should be properly mapped to the GL. This signage will be used as rollup signage in the GL hierarchy for node-level calculation.
  • GL Hierarchy: General ledger Hierarchy is used for Financial Reporting. The hierarchy should build with proper parent and child level mapping from the topmost root to the leaf level. The node-level GL entries should not be present in the source table, which is FSI_D_MANAGEMENT_LEDGER. Only leaf-level GLs are allowed to have data.

New members can be created from the Dimension Management screen of OFSAAI.