6.2.2 Modify the Management Reporting Line

Management Reporting line hierarchy can be modified to include new members and modify existing members. As a prerequisite, if the member to be added is a leaf, the Reporting Line dimension table (DIM_REP_LINE) needs to have these leaf members.

The table DIM_REP_LINE is populated using AMHM tables, which is DIM_REPORTING_LINE_B, DIM_REPORTING_LINE_TL, DIM_REPORTING_LINE_ATTR, and DIM_REPORTING_LINE_HIER. The hierarchy must be modified from the Dimension Management section of OFSAAI so that relevant changes are captured in the AMHM tables mentioned above. Once the hierarchy is saved, the DT has to be executed to populate DIM_REP_LINE and REP_LINE_PARENT_CHILD_RELATION tables.

Additional reporting line hierarchy can also be created using existing nodes using the AMHM framework of OFSAAI. If there are reporting line codes created, then you should create all such custom reporting lines using a sequence of numbers that is different from the numbers used in the seeded reporting line hierarchy. It is recommended that you should create custom reporting lines with a six-digit number starting with 500000, 500001, and so on.