F.3.1 Run Definition Versioning

For an authorizer:

When you create a new run, its version will be 0. When you edit an existing run and try to save, you are prompted whether to save it as a new version or not. If you click Yes, a new run is created with the version as 0 and the run having version as 0 will be saved with the version as maximum version +1. If you click No, the existing run is overwritten and the version will be as it is.

For a non-authorizer:

When you create a new run, its version will be -1. Once the run is approved by an authorizer, the version becomes 0. When you edit an existing run and try to save, you are prompted whether to save it as a new version or not. If you click Yes, a new run is created with the version as -1. Once the run is approved, its version becomes 0 and the run having version as 0 will be saved with the version as maximum version +1. If you click No, the existing run is overwritten, and the Active flag of the run becomes N (which you can view from the Summary window). The version remains the same. Once the run gets approved, its Active flag changes to Y.


  • The run with version 0 is the latest one and it can have many versions say 1 to n, where 1 is the oldest run and n is the next to the latest.
  • A run with version -1 will always be in an Inactive state.

You can view all the versions of a particular rule by providing the run’s name or code and clicking Search in the Search and Filter grid. (Ensure the Version field is cleared since it is auto-populated with 0).