Institutional Analytics Segmentation

Segmentation is achieved by using the following Dimensions for Institutional Analytics for Corporate Tracker Segmentation:

  • Year of Incorporation
  • Status of Listing
  • Income
  • Industry
  • Country of Incorporation
  • Group Asset Size

Following is the list of Product Types used in Institutional Analytics segmentation:

  • CASA for Current and Saving Accounts
  • TD for Term Deposits
  • LOAN for Loan Contracts
  • CARDS for Credit Cards

If the user wants to define a separate Segmentation Rule based on choice Product(s), then following steps are advised:

  1. Copy the existing Segmentation Rule viz. Riskbased_Segmentation_IPA to a Rule Specific to Product on which Segmentation is sought to be defined. For example, New Rule could be Riskbased_Segmentation_IPA_CARDS.
  2. In mapping for the new rule, choose the Products applicable for the Rule in Product Filter and define Segmentation rule mapping accordingly.
  3. Edit the Process: PR_SGM_RISK_IPA (Segmentation Risk Based IPA) and add the new Rule (Riskbased_Segmentation_IPA_CARDS as per above example) as part of the Process from Components.
  4. The new Rule in sequencing must succeed the first task namely, T2T_LOAD_ACCT_SEGMENT_SCORE and precede the final task viz. DT_PA_DRIVERS.

Define precedence in the Process accordingly.

To illustrate the above steps, the Process PR_SGM_RISK_IPA should have tasks as follows:

  • Task2: Riskbased_Segmentation_IPA
  • Task3: Riskbased_Segmentation_IPA_CARDS
  • Task4: DT_PA_DRIVERS

After this is done and ensured, execute the run RN_SGM_RISK_IPA.