Revenue Summary

This tab allows you to generate the report that displays the Revenue Distribution of Business.

You can generate the reports from this tab by applying the filters detailed in the following table:

Table 3-12 Revenue Summary Tab

Filter level Filter Filter Type
Dashboard Search by Customer Name/ID Keyword search
Customer Name Drop-down list
Legal Entity Drop-down list
As-of-Date Date selection
Currency Drop-down list
Amount Drop-down list
Page Period level Button selection
The reports that are generated from this tab are detailed in the following table:

Table 3-13 Report Details

Report Name Description
Revenue Distribution (Pie-Chart Representation) Revenue Distribution by LOB Selected from LOB Dropdown. Each Pie Slice Represent each LOB.
Customer Group Structure (Tabular Representation) Revenue Distribution by LOB with Percentage of Revenue by each LOB Selected from LOB Dropdown.