Top 10 Opportunities

The Top 10 Opportunities tab allows you to monitor each sales opportunity and rank them according to the value or estimated revenue for a Selected Reporting Period, Region, and the Currency required.

You can generate the reports from this tab by applying the filters detailed in the following table:

Table 3-35 Options in Opportunities Tab

Filter level Filter Filter Type


Time You can click the search icon to display the Choose Members Dialog Box. You can select the required dates from the Available pane to the Selected Pane.
Region Drop-down list
Currency Type Drop-down list
The report that is generated has different sections. These sections are detailed in the following table:

Table 3-36 Report Sections

Report Section Name Description
Top 10 Sales Employee This report displays the top 10 sales employees and identifies the best employee as ranked by the Estimated Revenue against deals closed by them. It also displays the number of wins and losses for the employee.
Top 10 Wins This report lists the top 10 wins as ranked by Expected Revenue and the Sales Employee associated with the win and the date it was closed.
Top 10 Latest Opportunities This report lists the top latest opportunities as ranked by Revenue. It also provides information about the product, client or prospect, and the Sales Stage.
Top 10 Stalled Opportunities This report lists the top Stalled Opportunities as ranked by the Expected Revenue. It also captures how long the opportunities are stalled along with the Sales Stage, Product, and Employee Name.
Top 10 Strategic Opportunities This report lists the top 10 Strategic Opportunities as ranked by Expected Revenue.
Top 10 Opportunities - Existing Customers

This report identifies the opportunities that are being worked on with existing customers as ranked by

Expected Revenue. This report also displays the customer name, opportunity status, and income generated YTD from the existing customer.

Top 10 Opportunities by Opportunity Revenue This report displays the top 10 opportunities as ranked by Expected Revenue. This report also displays the customer name and product along with the assigned opportunity number.