Top N Summary

This report outlines the top lines of businesses as ranked based on the number of open customers and revenue.

You can generate the reports from this tab by applying the filters detailed in the following table:

Table 3-50 Top N Summary Tab

Filter level Filter Filter Type
Dashboard Legal Entity Drop-down list
Product Type Drop-down list
As-of-Date Date selection
Currency Type Drop-down list
Amount in Drop-down list
Page Period Level Button selection
The reports that are generated are detailed in the following table:

Table 3-51 Report Details

Report Name Description
Top 10 Products by Open Customer – Table and Graph This report displays the top 10 products by open customers with the generated revenue. This report also displays the contribution of revenue for each product and customer against the total revenues generated in percentage.
Top 10 Products by Revenue – Table and Graph This report displays the top 10 products ranking based on revenue generated with percentage contribution against the total revenues with the number of open customers that are associated.

The values displayed in this report are average values.