What-If Analysis

The What-If Analysis Tab provides an interactive interface where you can apply variations on projected data of financial instruments based on the historic data at the desired level of granularity. You can then analyze the implications on a Business Intelligence Dashboard.

This tab enables you to account for the change in profitability owing to any probable changes in the projected components of profitability.

You can generate the reports from this tab by applying the filters detailed in the following table:

Table 3-54 What-If Analysis Dashboard

Filter level Filter Filter Type
Dashboard Year Drop-down list
Quarter Drop-down list
Month Drop-down list
Line of Business Drop-down list
Product Name Drop-down list
Customer ID Drop-down list
Account ID Drop-down list
Scenario Drop-down list
Currency Type Drop-down list
ModelId Drop-down list
The reports that are generated is detailed in the following table:

Table 3-55 Report Details

Report Name Description
Income Statement Variation

This report enables the user to account for the change in profitability owing to any probable changes in the projected components of profitability. This report is displayed through three sections:

  • Income Statement Variation
  • Comparison Over Applied Variation
  • Projected Vs Revised
Comparison Over Applied Variations
  • Basic - The variations that are applied are aggregated with the modified values of components to display the resulting Net Income. The basic version supports variations that should be applied to multiple parameters at the same time.
  • Advanced - The variations that are applied also affect the other components to which it is correlated, and the modified values of all such parameters get aggregated to display the resulting net income. In the Advanced Version, you can apply variations to only a single component at a time.
Projected Vs Revised This report displays the change in Profitability owing to any probable changes in the Projected Components of Profitability. This Report shows impact on Net Income Before Tax after incorporating revised inputs to any of the Key Reporting Line(s). The Revised Line Graph shows NIBT after revised inputs. Projected and Revised Values are captured through two individual lines which move over period of time.