Customer Central

The purpose of this Dashboard is to provide detailed information about the customer, information related to the accounts of the customer, and other behavioral attributes. It enables the user to analyze a customer in its entirety. The report is specific to a customer and the selection of customer for which the report is to be viewed is done through the dashboard prompt. The search is enabled either by Customer or Account.

This Dashboard provides complete demographic details of the customer as well as the engagements of the customer with the bank. The engagement with the bank is specified in terms of the accounts held by the customer as well as the other services/activities through which the customer interacts with the bank.

All accounts of the customer (current as well as previous) are reported along with their specifics such as the start date, balance, peak balances, net income, relationship manager, and so on. Other reports include the specifics of the subscriptions and enrollments of the customer and the various offers that are provided to the customer and the accounts to which those offers have been provided. It also displays the details of transactions of the customer which can be viewed by classification into monetary or non-monetary transactions. Any predictive modeling scores that have been computed or are available for the customer are also reported.

Based on the profitability of the accounts, the future behavior of accounts is predicted and this predicted value is used to compute Customer Life-Time Value (CLTV). The CLTV can be analyzed for different periods of projections and accordingly the projected data to be considered for reporting CLTV is selected. Various reports available under this tab are discussed in the following sections:

The following sections describes the tabs and reports are present in the Customer Central tab.