7 DV Limitations

The following table lists the limitations of the DV Projects.

Table 7-1 DV Project Limitations

Serial Number Comment
1 Dynamic Change of the Title header in the report as per the relative time prompt selection is not possible.
2 DV currently does not give the flexibility to change the filter prompt data dynamically as per the time-level selection for the relative prompt.
3 The axis and data labels on the charts are set in Auto Mode. Sometimes, this does not work as expected. In those cases, manual adjustments are necessary.
4 DV currently does not give the flexibility to change the Filter Prompt Data dynamically as per the data available. Prompts will be displayed even if the data is unavailable.
5 DV cannot switch the measure column aggregations as per the time levels. If non-default time levels are used, there may be double counting in such measures.
6 By default, Filter Prompts in DV pick the prompt values by doing random joins within the data time frame. Due to this, sometimes a value not present in a particular time period may be missed out.
7 In DV, the relative Time Prompt Selection has precedence over the time selection through other prompts.
8 When there is a Rank Function used in the Chart Level Filter, the data points in the last time period of the dataset take precedence.
9 When there is no data for a particular chart, the chart name is not displayed.
10 In the case of a Hierarchy Filter Prompt, one value in the prompt must be selected mandatorily.