Configure Advanced Settings for Data Source

To configure the advanced setting for the data source, follow these steps:
  1. Click the new Data Source from the Summary of JDBC Data Sources window to display the Settings for Data Source Name window.
  2. Select the Connection Pooling tab given under Configuration.
  3. Navigate to the Advanced option at the bottom of the window, and check the Test Connection of Reserve check box (enables WebLogic Server to test a connection before giving it to a client).
    To verify if the data source is valid, select "Data Source Name". For example, FICMASTER.
  4. Select the server and click Test Data Source. A message is displayed indicating that the test was successful.
    After the "Data Source" is created successfully, the following messages are displayed: All changes are activated. No restart is necessary.
    Settings updated successfully.
If not, follow these same steps to recreate the data source.