Create a New Profile in WebSphere

The Profile is created in WebSphere through the command line using the manageprofiles.sh that resides in the <WebSphere Install directory>/AppServer/bin directory.

Use the following command to create a profile without admin security through the command line:

"manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName <profile> -profilePath <profile_ path> -templatePath <template_path> -nodeName <node_name> -cellName

<cell_ name> -hostName <host_name>"


$usr/home>./manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName mockaix



-nodeName ipa020dorNode04 cellName ipa020dorNode04Cell -hostName ipa020dor

The command to create a profile with admin security through command line is as follows:

"manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName <profile> -profilePath <profile_ path> -templatePath <template_path> -nodeName <node_name> -cellName

<cell_name> -hostName <host_name> -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName<Admin User Name> -adminPassword < Admin User Password> -samplespassword<sample User Password>"


$usr/home>./manageprofiles.sh -create -profileName mockaix



-nodeName ipa020dorNode04 -cellName ipa020dorNode04Cell -hostName ipa020dor -enableAdminSecurity true -adminUserName ofsaai -adminPassword ofsaai -samplespassword ofsaai"


While using the manageprofiles.sh command to create a New Profilein WebSphere, you can also use "-validatePorts"to validate if the specified ports are not reserved or in use. Additionally, you can specify new ports with "-startingPort <baseport>" which specifies the starting port number to generate and assign allports for the profile. For more information on using these ports, refer to WebSphere manageprofilescommand.