7 Post-installation

After the successful installation of the OFS Performance Analytics Pack (OFS PFT Pack) Release, follow the post-installation procedures.

Post-installation Checklist

You can use this checklist to have a quick glance at everything that you will be doing after installing this application. The link provided in each step takes you to a section either within this document or to another referenced document.

Table 7-1 Post-installation Checklist

Sl. No. Post-installation Activity
1 Verify the installation logs.
2 Patch OFSAA Infrastructure Installation.
3 Back up the SCHEMA_CREATOR.xml, OFS_PM_SCHEMA_OUTPUT.xml, and Silent.props files.
4 Stop the OFSAA Infrastructure services.
5 Create and deploy EAR/WAR files.
6 Start the OFSAA Infrastructure services.
7 Configure the webserver.
8 Configure the Resource Reference in web application servers.
9 Configure the Resource Reference in web application servers.
10 Configure the Work Manager in the Web Application Servers.
11 Access the OFSAA application.
12 OFSAA Landing Page
13 Configure the excludeURLList.cfg file.
14 Change the ICC batch ownership.
15 Create Application Users.
16 Map the Application User(s) to User Groups.
17 Excel upload mapping and template.
18 Configure TDE and Data Redaction in OFSAAI.
19 Implement Data Protection in OFSAA.