7.1.6 Rate Bands

The “Rate Bands” Report provides the Number of Accounts by Rate Band for the Transfer Price calculation metrics with respect to As-of-Date.

You can use a series of Report Prompts, as previously described, to filter the data according to key attributes pertaining to the underlying Instrument level data.

The report displays the underlying data according to the following Charts’ logic:
  • Select Product Hierarchy Level: The chart provides you with a selection capability for the desired Product Hierarchical level.
  • Select Product Hierarchy: The chart provides you with three levels of the hierarchy – the selected level from the “Select Product Hierarchy level” as well as the Product Level 1 Name and Product leaf nodes (Product Leaf Name). You use this chart to further filter down the “Rate Bands” canvas charts.
  • Dimension Selection: The chart provides you with selection capability on the available Dimension of Analysis – the available Dimensions for selection are Industry Leaf Name, Org unit Leaf Name, Customer Type Name, and Currency Code. You use this chart to further filter down the “Rate Bands” canvas charts.
  • Number of Accounts by Transfer Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by Transfer Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • Transfer Rate Band
  • Number of Accounts by All in TP Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by All in TP Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • All in TP Rate Band
  • Number of Accounts by Other Add-On Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by Other Add-On Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • Other Add-On Rate Band
  • Number of Accounts by Pricing Incentive Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by Pricing Incentive Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • Pricing Incentive Rate Band
  • Number of Accounts by Liquidity Premium Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by Liquidity Premium Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • Liquidity Premium Rate Band
  • Number of Accounts by Basis Risk Rate Band: The chart reports the trend analysis of the Number of Accounts by Basis Risk Rate Band with respect to As-of-Date.

    The columns displayed in the chart are as follows:

    • As Of Date
    • Number of Accounts
    • Basis Risk Rate Band

Figure 7-15 “Rate Bands” Report Canvas

The “Rate Bands” Report provides the Number of Accounts by Rate Band for the Transfer Price calculation metrics with respect to As-of-Date.