Generic Data Loader

The Data Loader service allows the user to load the required data by the Cloud Service to enrich the data. In this service, first you upload the data, and then run a batch to propagate the data into the processing layer.

To load the data:

  1. From the LHS menu, select Data Management Tools, select Data File Administration, and then select File upload and download to display the File Upload/Download screen.
    The File Upload/Download screen displays the list of files that are uploaded to the Object Store and displays the following details for each file:
    • File ID: The unique file id. This is auto generated during upload.
    • Prefix: The prefix added to the file name.
    • File Name: The name of the uploaded file.
    • Stripe Name: The unique identifier for storing the files.
    • Uploaded Date: The file upload date.
    • Download File: Click the Download icon to download a copy of the file.
    • Delete: Click Delete to delete the uploaded file.
  2. Click Drag and Drop to browse and select a file for upload from the local directory.

    You can also browse to the local directory from the File Explorer and select file and drop it here.

    The File Upload/Download service supports upload of TXT, DAT, and CSV format files.

    Name of the data file must follow the format as given below:
    • A prefix as input_yyyymmdd where the date format is related to the As of Date (i.e., 02-May-2023 becomes 20230502).
    • As per the data that you want to upload, upload the relevant data file from the table:

      Table 3-10 Data File

      Data Data File Name Object Store File Name
      Exchange Rates stg_exchange_rates.dat input_20230622_stg_exchange_rates.dat
      Behavior Patters stg_behavior_pattern.dat input_20230502_stg_behavior_pattern.dat


      The file name is case-sensitive.

      For more information about File Upload and Download, see File Upload and Download Utility.

      The following are the sample files for reference:

  3. After selecting the file to upload, click Upload.

    The UI displays a confirmation message Upload successful.

  4. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Schedule Batch.
  5. Create a new Batch with a new Task with Generic Data Loader as Component.

    Table 3-11 Loader Type

    Seeded Batch Component Loader Type Parameter
    Generic Data Loader Exchange Rates
    Generic Data Loader Behavior Patterns
  6. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Execute Batch.
  7. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Monitor Batch.
  8. Select the Batch and then select the MISDATE and the Batch name. There may be multiple executions of the Data Loader batch. Select the latest execution and click Start Monitor.

    The UI displays the status of the batch.

For more details about Scheduler processes, see the Scheduler Services.