Interest Rates Loader

The Interest Rates Data Loader allows the users to load the Interest Rate Curves that are consumed by the Oracle Financial Services Cloud Services.

Loading the Interest Rate Data consists of three tasks as follows:

  • Stage Loader
  • Stage Validator
  • Processing Loader

The above three tasks can be executed individually or together under same batch. If created together, then the precedence mapping must be created as follows:

  • Stage Validator must be executed after the Stage Loader is executed.
  • Processing Loader must be executed after the Stage Loader is executed. Stage Validator is not mandatory.
  • If Stage Validator is included, then the Processing Loader must be executed after the Stage Validator is executed.

To upload the Interest Rate Data file:

  1. From the LHS menu, select Data Management Tools, select Data File Administration, and then select File upload and download to display the File Upload/Download screen.
  2. Click Drag and Drop to browse and select a file for upload from a local directory. You can also browse to the local directory from the File Explorer, select the file, and drop it.

    The File Upload/Download service supports uploading CSV format files.

    Name of the Data File must follow the format as given below:

    • A prefix as INPUT_YYYYMMDD where the date format is related to the As of Date (i.e., 02-October-2023 becomes 20231002).
    • A suffix as _FILENAME.CSV.
    • An example of Data File Name could be: INPUT_20231002_IRC_<DATAFILENAME>.csv.

      The order of the columns in the input file must be as follows:

      • EFFECTIVE_DATE (Date format: MM-DD-YYYY)

    For more information about File Upload and Download, see File Upload and Download Utility section.

  3. After selecting the file to upload, click Upload.

    The UI displays a confirmation message: Upload successful and insert the data into the Stage tables.

    At this stage, the Stage Validation begins and performs the following checks:

    • Records in the Stage table: Stage Validation fails when no records are found in the uploaded file and no execution happens after this point.
    • IRC definitions exist: If there are single IRC definitions in the file, the validator passes and displays a warning message along with the Interest Rate Code for which definitions are missing.
    • Invalid Terms check (Term details not found): If there are extra terms available in incoming file: A warning message is displayed in the View Logs: Term details not found in the definition: Interest Rate Name: Standard25, Interest RateCd:25, Interest Rate Term: 270 D, 3 M.

    Warnings are displayed in the View Log.

    If there are multiple rows in the data file and one of the rows does not have the required information or wrong information, the validator leaves that record and proceeds with the remaining records. However, the log displays summary error messages with total number of records, records skipped, records rejected, records read, and records discarded. It does not display which particular records are failed or rejected.


    The As of Date is used to load the file and the Effective Date in the file can be different. The data is loaded based on the Effective Date and if any value exists for corresponding Effective Date, then the loader will update. This also helps to push the IRC History data from on-prem to SaaS, and in the SaaS environments one tenant to other tenant.

    The Interest Rate Attribute must be created on the UI prior to loading the historical rates. Interest Rate loader is to load rates on pre-existing IRC.

  4. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Create Batch. For more details, see Define Batch.
  5. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Ceate Task. For more details, see Define Tasks.
    1. Task Type: REST
    2. Component:
      • Stage Loader: IRCLoader Stage Loader
      • Stage Validator: IRCLoader Stage Validator
      • Processing Loader: IRCLoader Processing Loader
    3. File Name: INPUT_20231002_IRC_<DATAFILENAME>.csv
  6. Select the seeded batch and click Edit Parameters. In the Dynamic Parameters pop-up window, change the date to the relevant As-of-Date, and then save the batch.
  7. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Execute Batch.
  8. From the LHS menu, navigate to Operations and Processes, select Scheduler, and then select Monitor Batch. For more information, see Monitor Batch.
  9. Select the Batch and then select the MISDATE and the Batch name. There may be multiple executions of the Exchange Rate Data Loader batch. Select the latest execution and click Start Monitor.

    The UI displays the Status of the batch.