6.4.2 Execute the Schema Creator Utility in Online Mode

In Online mode, the utility connects to the database and executes the DDLs for Users, Objects, and Grants. If you have SYSDBA privileges you can execute the Schema Creator Utility in Online mode and thereby create the Users, Objects, and Grants during the execution process. To execute the utility in the Online mode, you must connect as <User> AS SYSDBA.

If you want to run the OFSAA Application Pack Installer in Online mode, it is mandatory to execute the schema creator utility with -s option.

To execute the utility with -s option in online mode, follow these steps:
  1. Edit the file OFS_HM_PACK/schema_creator/conf/OFS_HM_SCHEMA_IN.xml in a text editor. See Configure the OFS_HM_SCHEMA_IN.xml File section for values to modify in the XML file.
  2. Execute the utility with -s option. For Example: ./osc.sh -s
  3. Make a TNS entry for the new users created. For details, see Execute the Schema Creator Utility in TCPS Mode Add the TNS entries in TNSNAMES.ORA file.

    The following message is displayed:You have chosen ONLINE mode. Triggering the utility in ONLINE mode will execute the DDLs directly on the Database. Do you wish to proceed? (Y/y or N/n).

  4. Enter Y to proceed.

    The following message is displayed:

    You have chosen to install this application pack on INFODOM “<INFODOM_NAME>”. Do you wish to proceed? (Y/y or N/n).
  5. Enter Y to proceed.
  6. After Schema creation is successful, proceed to Configure the OFSAAI_InstallConfig.xml File.

    As a result of this task is the OFS_HM_SCHEMA_OUTPUT.XML file is generated. Do not modify this file.