6.5 Configure the OFSAAI_InstallConfig.xml File

To configure the OFS_InstallConfig.xml file, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the OFS_HM_PACK/OFS_AAI/conf/ directory.
  2. Open the OFSAAI_InstallConfig.xml file in a text editor.
  3. Configure the OFSAAI_InstallConfig.xml file as mentioned in the following table.

    You must manually set the InteractionVariable parameter values as mentioned in the table. If a value is not applicable, enter NA. Ensure that the value is not entered as NULL.

    Table 6-4 OFSAAI_InstallConfig.xml file Parameters

    InteractionVariable Name Significance and Expected Value Mandatory
    <Layer name="GENERAL">
    InteractionGroup name=”WebServerType”

    Identifies the web application server on which the OFSAA Infrastructure web components are deployed.

    Set the following numeric value depending on the type of web application server:

    • Apache Tomcat = 1
    • IBM WebSphere Application Server = 2
    • Oracle WebLogic Server = 3

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="WEBAPPSERVERTYPE">3</InteractionVari able>

    InteractionGroup name=”OFSAA Infrastructure Server Details”

    Identifies the hostname or IP address of the system on which the Database Engine is hosted.

    NOTE: For RAC Database, the value must be NA. For example, <InteractionVariable name="DBSERVER_ IP"></InteractionVariable> or

    <InteractionVariable name="DBSERVER_ IP">dbhost.server.com</InteractionVariable>

    InteractionGroup name=”Database Details”

    Identifies the Oracle DB Instance SID or SERVICE_NAME

    NOTE: The Oracle_SID value must be the same as it is mentioned in JDBC_URL.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="ORACLE_SID/SERVICE_NAME">ofsaser</InteractionVariable>


    Identifies the directory where the JDBC driver (ojdbc<version>.jar) exists. This is typically the $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib directory.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="ABS_DRIVER_ PATH">">/oradata6/revwb7/ oracle </InteractionVariable>

    NOTE: See Hardware and Software Requirements to identify the correct ojdbc<version>.jar file version to be copied.

    InteractionGroup name=”OLAP Detail”

    Identifies whether the OFSAA Infrastructure OLAP component must be configured. It depends on whether you intend to use the OLAP feature. The following numeric value must be set depending on your choice:

    • YES: 1
    • NO: 0

    NOTE: If the value for OLAP_SERVER_IMPLEMENTATION is set to 1, the installer checks if the following environment variables are set in the .profile file:

    InteractionGroup name=”SFTP Details”

    Identifies if the SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) feature is to be enabled. The following numeric value must be set depending on your choice:

    • SFTP: 1
    • FTP: 0

    NOTE: The default value for SFTP_ENABLE is 1, which signifies that SFTP is used. Oracle recommends using SFTP instead of FTP because SFTP is more secure. However, you can ignore this recommendation and use FTP by setting SFTP_ENABLE to 0. You can change this selection later from the OFSAAI administration interface.

    Set SFTP_ENABLE to -1 to configure ftpshare and weblocal path as a local path mounted for the OFSAAI server.


    Identifies the port used for the file transfer service. The default value specified is 22 (SFTP). Specify a value as 21 or any other PORT value if the value for SFTP_ENABLE is 0.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="FILE_TRANSFER_ PORT">21</InteractionVariable>

    InteractionGroup name=”Locale Detail”

    Identifies the locale information to be used during the installation. This release of the OFSAA Infrastructure supports only US English.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="LOCALE">en_US</InteractionVariable>


    InteractionGroup name=”OFSAA Infrastructure Communicating ports"

    NOTE: The following ports are used internally by the various OFSAA Infrastructure services. The default values mentioned are set in the installation. If you intend to specify a different value, update the parameter value accordingly, ensure that the port value is in the range 1025 to 65535, and the respective port is enabled.

    JAVAPORT 9999 Yes
    NATIVEPORT 6666 Yes
    AGENTPORT 6510 Yes
    ICCPORT 6507 Yes
    OLAPPORT 10101 Yes
    MSGPORT 6501 Yes
    ROUTERPORT 6500 Yes
    AMPORT 6505 Yes

    InteractionGroup name="Web Details"

    NOTE: If the value for HTTPS_ENABLE is set to 1, ensure that you have a valid certificate available from a trusted CA and it is configured on your web application server.


    Identifies whether the UI must be accessed using HTTP or HTTPS scheme. The default value is set to 0. The numeric value must be set depending on the following options:

    • YES: 1
    • NO: 0

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="HTTPS_ENABLE">0</InteractionVariable>


    Identifies the HTTP server IP or Hostname or web application server IP or Hostname, to be used to access the UI. This IP is typically the HTTP server IP.

    If a separate HTTP server is not available, then the value must be Web application server IP or Hostname.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="WEB_SERVER_ IP"></InteractionVariable>


    <InteractionVariable name="WEB_SERVER_ IP">myweb.server.com</InteractionVariable>


    Identifies the web server port, which is typically 80 for non-SSL and 443 for SSL. If a separate HTTP server exists, the port value must be the value configured for the web server.

    WARNING: The installer will not accept the port value as:

    • 80, if the HTTPS_ENABLE variable is 1
    • 443, if the HTTPS_ENABLE variable is 0

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="WEB_ SERVER_PORT">80</InteractionVariable>


    Identifies the web application context name which is used to build the URL to access the OFSAA application. You can identify the context name from the following URL format:

    <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<context-name>/ login.jsp

    For example:


    For example, <InteractionVariable name="CONTEXT_ NAME">ofsaadev</InteractionVariable>


    Identifies the absolute path of the exploded EAR file on the web application server.

    • For Tomcat, specify the Tomcat directory path till /webapps. For example, /oradata6/ revwb7/tomcat/webapps/.
    • For WebSphere, specify the WebSphere path as <WebSphere profile directory>/installedApps/<NodeCellName>.

    For example, / data2/test//WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<Profile_Name>/installedApps/aiximfNode01Cell, where aix-imf is the Hostname.

    • For WebLogic, specify the WebLogic home directory path. For example, /<WebLogic home directory path>/bea/wlserver_10.3

    NOTE: For WebLogic, the value specified for this attribute is ignored and the value provided against the attribute WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME is considered.


    Identifies the absolute path to any directory on the web application server that can hold temporary files, which are uploaded as part of the usage of the application.

    Set this in the FTPSHARE location.

    NOTE: During a clustered deployment, ensure that this path and the directory are the same on all the nodes.

    InteractionGroup name="Weblogic Setup Details”

    Identifies the WebLogic Domain Home.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME">/home/weblogic/bea/user_ projects/ domains/mydomain</InteractionVariable>


    Specify the value only if WEBAPPSERVERTYPE is set as 3 (WebLogic)

    InteractionGroup name="OFSAAI FTP Details”

    Identifies the absolute path of the directory that is identified as the file system stage area.

    NOTE: The directory must exist on the same system on which the OFSAA Infrastructure is being installed (can be on a separate mount).

    The user mentioned in the APP_SFTP_USER_ID parameter in the following example must have RWX permission on the directory.

    For example, <InteractionVariable name="APP_FTPSHARE_PATH">">/oradata6/revwb7/ftpshare</ InteractionVariable>

    OFSAAI_SFTP_USER_ID Identifies the user who has RWX permissions on the directory identified for the parameter APP_FTPSHARE_PATH. Yes

    Identifies the SFTP private key for OFSAAI.

    For example,

    <InteractionVariable name="OFSAAI_SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY">/home/ofsaapp/.ssh/id_rsa</InteractionVariable>

    By default, the value is NA, which indicates that, for authentication, you are prompted to enter the password for the user <OFSAAI_SFTP_USER_ ID>.

    For more information on how to generate an SFTP Private key, see the Set Up SFTP Private Key section.


    Identifies the passphrase for the SFTP private key for OFSAAI.

    For example,

    InteractionVariable name="OFSAAI_SFTP_PASSPHRASE">enter a pass phrase here</InteractionVariable>

    By default, the value is NA.

    If the OFSAAI_SFTP_PRIVATE_KEY value is given and the OFSAAI_SFTP_PASSPHRASE value is NA, then the passphrase is identified as empty.
