6.4.4 Execute the Schema Creator Utility while Installing Subsequent Applications Pack

When executing the schema creator utility during the installation of a subsequent Applications Pack, you can choose to install the pack either on the same Information Domain or Atomic Schema of the existing application pack or on a new Information Domain or Atomic Schema. You can execute the schema creator utility either in Online or Offline mode.

To execute the schema creator utility while installing OFS HM Application Pack over an existing Application Pack, follow these steps:
  1. Edit the file OFS_HM_PACK/schema_creator/conf/OFS_HM_SCHEMA_IN.xml in a text editor. See the Configure the OFS_HM_SCHEMA_IN.xml File section for values you must modify in the XML file.
  2. Execute the utility with -s option. For Example: ./osc.sh –s -o
    After successful schema creation, execute the sysdba_output_scripts.sql file


    You must use the same config schema user name as the previous application pack.
  3. The utility identifies the application packs that are already installed on the current OFSAA setup and displays the following on the console:
    • Atomic schema of the existing application pack
    • Information Domain Name of the existing pack
    • List of installed application packs
  4. Enter Y or y to start the schema creation.
  5. If you enter N or n, the list of Atomic Users is displayed.
  6. Select the Atomic User on which you want to install the application pack.
  7. Make a TNS entry for the new users created. For details, see Add the TNS entries in TNSNAMES.ORA file section.

    On successful execution of schema creator utility, the console displays the following status message:

    Success. Please proceed with the installation.


    1. See the log file in the OFS_HM_PACK/schema_creator/logs directory for the execution status.
    2. See the log file sysdba_output_scripts.log for the execution status if executed in offline mode. The log will be empty if there are no errors in the execution.
    3. If there are any errors, contact My Oracle Support.