27 Modelling Sets

The Modelling Set is a basic building block of IFRS 9 Solution Cloud Services. Modelling set features enable users to achieve the purpose of segmentation. The modelling set creates a segment of accounts that shows homogeneous characteristics. Multi-dimensions can be used to create these modelling sets. Legal Entity and Organization Unit are key dimensions for the modelling set. The modelling set is time bound in nature as the user needs to add an effective start date and effective end date. Product and Customer type are mandatory dimensions used in the creation of the modelling set. Users can add more dimensions like Industry, Region, Branch, Country, and so on. Any product Hierarchy can be selected.

The modelling set is used in other features i.e., Rating Mapping Rules, Stage Determination Rules, Stage Curing Rules, Account Classification Rules, Amortization Rules, Amortization Processes, Staging & Account Classification Processes, Override Screen- Maker and Override Screen- Checker. Different Modelling sets can be created for various regional jurisdictions. This helps in simplifying the process of treating or evaluating accounts by treating accounts belonging to one homogeneous group in the same manner.