6.3.1 Summary Tab

The Summary tab includes information at the corporate level. The information contained in the reports generated summarizes how the entire organization is performing.

The filters include:

  • Time
  • Company
  • Catastrophe
  • Region

The various reports available for this tab are discussed in the following sections.

Key Claim Performance Indicators Flash

This report shows snapshots of key performance indicators represented through flash boxes for the current period.

Figure 6-128 Key Claim Performance Indicators Flash

Key Claim Performance Indicators Flash

Claim Geographical Map

This is a geographic heat map that illustrates the count of claim occurrences over geographic regions with areas of similar amounts colored similarly. The Location of the claim provides the basis for geographical mapping.

Figure 6-129 Claim Geographical Map

Claim Geographical Map

Claim Frequency Map

This heat map report displays a number of average claim counts, as claim frequency by region. This report can be generated for various periods, companies, regions as available in the page level prompt.

Figure 6-130 Claim Frequency Map

Claim Frequency Map

Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claim Payments

This is a table that ranks the geographical regions with the highest monetary amount total claim payments for a given reporting period. The percentage of all payments represents the amount of all claim payments generated during the same reporting period in comparison to those only for the given region.

Figure 6-131 Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claim Payments

Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claim Payments

Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claims Reported

This is a table that ranks the geographical regions with the highest claim counts for a given reporting period. The percentage of all occurrences represents the amount of all claim counts generated during the same reporting period in comparison to those only for the given region.

Figure 6-132 Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claims Reported

Top Ten Geographical Regions for Claims Reported

Claim Count

This report is a time-series line graph that illustrates the count of claims added to the system over a time series and represented as a line for each Line of business.

Figure 6-133 Claim Count

Claim Count

Claim Losses

This represents the incurred claims, the total amount of paid claims associated with a reporting period over a time series. This report is a time-series line graph generated for the enterprise as a whole and illustrates each Line of business with its own line.

Figure 6-134 Claim Losses

Claim Losses

Claim Expenses

This report is a line graph that illustrates the monetary amount of claim expenses, payments made for services, and other non-claim-related costs, issued over a time series.

Figure 6-135 Claim Expenses

Claim Expenses

Number of Open Claims

This report is a time-series line graph generated on the count of open claims. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-136 Number of Open Claims

Number of Open Claims

Claim Settlement Ratio

This report is a time-series line graph generated as the percentage of settled claims against total claims received. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-137 Claim Settlement Ratio

Claim Settlement Ratio

Claim Ratio

This report is a time-series line graph generated as the percentage of claims payments against premium income. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-138 Claim Ratio

Claim Ratio

Claim Recoveries

This is a time-series line graph that displays the monetary amount of claim recovery payments received by a company at the point in time of the reporting period and over a time series. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-139 Claim Recoveries

Claim Recoveries

Claims Closed without Payment

This report is a time-series line graph that illustrates the count of claims that were closed during the reporting period without any payments generated for the claim.

Expenses may have been paid for these claims. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-140 Claims Closed without Payment

Claims Closed without Payment

Claims Subject to Referral

This report is a time-series line graph that illustrates the count of claims that were referred for further actions, appraisal, or recovery during the reporting period. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-141 Claims Subject to Referral

Claims Subject to Referral

Rejected Claims

This report is a time-series line graph that illustrates the count of claims that were rejected during the reporting period without any payments generated for the claim. Expenses may have been paid for these claims. This report can be analyzed by various periods, companies, catastrophes, and regions as selected from the page level prompt.

Figure 6-142 Rejected Claims

Rejected Claims