6.2.5 Region Tab

The Region tab includes reports represented in tabular and map format that summarizes results for geographical regions. The filters for this tab allow the report results to be focused on selected combinations for geographical comparison.

The filters include:

  • Time
  • Company
  • Lines of Business
  • Product
  • Region

The various reports available for this tab are discussed in the following sections.

Premium By Region

This report shows different types of premium revenue by various geographical regions. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from the page-level prompts. This report shows premium income through the following premiums.

  • Written premium
  • Earned premium
  • Ceded premium
  • Retained premium
  • Refund premium
  • Uncollected earned premiums
The report Premium By Region can be further analyzed by regions, period, and premium types, for example, written premium, earned premium, ceded premium, retained premium, refund premium, and uncollected Earned Premium. Click any premium type to view the report in the drill-down mode.

Figure 6-117 Premium By Region

Premium By Region

Active Policy Counts By Region

This report shows the count of policies written by different policy types, that is, total policy count, new business policy count, and renewal policy count. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from the page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by regions, period, and policy counts of different policy statuses, for example, policy count, new business policy count, and renewal policy count. Click any policy status to view the report in the drill-down mode.

Figure 6-118 Active Policy Counts By Region

Active Policy Counts By Region

Ratios by Region

This report shows key indicator ratios like expense ratio, claim ratio, and claim settlement ratio by different regions. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by regions, period, and ratios like new business attrition ratio, and renewal business attrition ratio. Click any ratio to view the report in the drill-down mode.

Figure 6-119 Ratios by Region

Ratios by Region

Lapses by Region

This report shows, lapses and attritions by region represented by new and renewal business attrition ratios as well as written premium lost for new and renewal business attrition policies. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, line of business, and product as selected from page-level prompt.

Figure 6-120 Lapses by Region

Lapses by Region

Lapse Policy Counts by Region

This report shows a count of policies in lapsed status. This can be viewed by cancelled policy counts, total expired policies, non-renewed policies as available at the report level filter. This report can be viewed over different periods, companies, lines of business, and products as selected from page-level prompt.

Figure 6-121 Lapse Policy Counts by Region

Lapse Policy Counts by Region

Claim Status By Region

This report illustrates the count of claims by claims in a different status, for example, claims reported, claims settled, and claims in litigation. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by regions, period, claim status, and counts, for example, Number of Claims Reported, Number of Claims Settled, and Litigation Claims. Click any claim status to view the report in the drill-down mode.

Figure 6-122 Claim Status By Region

Claim Status By Region

Claim Payments by Region

This report illustrates the claim payment like loss payments, catastrophic claim payments, and litigation claim payments through the geographical map and a drill through time series. This report can be viewed over various periods, company, Region, product, and lines of business selected from page-level prompts.

The report can be further analyzed by regions, period, and claims, for example, Number of loss payments, catastrophic claim payments, and litigation claim payments. Click any claim payment to view the report in the drill-down mode.

Figure 6-123 Claim Payments by Region

Claim Payments by Region

Producer Ranking By Region

This report consists of three further reports, which show:

  1. The ranking for the top ten best performing.
  2. Bottom ten least performing producers.
  3. Also shows the region-wise ranking by the number of customers through a map and tabular forms.

This report can be further analyzed by clicking each region where top or bottom 10 producers are ranked for each region and their performance measurement for each ranked producer through the following performance key indicators:

  • Policy Count
  • Written Premium
  • Bind (Conversion) Ratio
  • Attrition Ratio
  • Claim Count

Figure 6-124 Producer Ranking By Region

Producer Ranking By Region

Top 10 Producers

This report lists out top-performing producers by region with their previous ranks. The ranking is based on and displayed as per key indicator chosen under the Producer Ranking By Region menu.

Figure 6-125 Top 10 Producers

Top 10 Producers

Bottom 10 Producers

This report lists out the bottom ten least performing producers by region with their previous ranks. The ranking is based on and displayed as per key indicators chosen under the Producer Ranking By Region menu.

Figure 6-126 Bottom 10 Producers

Bottom 10 Producers

Customers by Region

This report shows the number of customers by region and countries including states.

Figure 6-127 Customers by Region

Customers by Region